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Читальный зал --> Программные средства foundation ones-complement addition 69 ones-complement checksum code 95 ones-complement subtraction 70 open-collector output 203 open-drain bus 164 open-drain output 160 operator overloading 330 OR 300 OR gale 28, 110 OR operation 241 OR plane 407 OR-AND circuit 264 OR-AND-INVERT 124 other declarations 300 others 328, 342 OTP ROM 972 output enable 126 output equation 650,707 output logic 644 output logic macrocell 797 output polarity 405 output stage 192 output timing skew 857 output-coded state assignment 645, 697 output-disable time 976,988 output-enable gate 403 output-enable input 974 output-enable time 975,988 output-hold time 976,988 output-list 304,312 outputs 397 overall fanout 140,197 overdrive 1044 overflow 66 overflow rule 67 override 1044 p-channel MOS transistor 115 /-set 357 package 334 packed-BCD representation 75 pad ring 210 page-mode read cycle 1003 page-mode write cycle 1003 PAL16L8 401 PAL16R6 795 PAL16R8 792 PAL20L8 404 PALCE16V8 407 PALCE20V8 407 PAL device 37,401 parallel data 96 parallel-in, parallel-out shift register 826 parallel-in, serial-out shift register 825 parallel-to-serial conversion 825 parity bit 86 parity-check matrix 88 partial product 71 partitioner 924 parts list 1037 parts qualification 1036 passive pull-up 160 PCB 40 PCB traces 40 PECL 222 permanent failure 84 phase splitter 192 physical model 1039 pin declaration 300 pin diagram 34 pin list 1037 pin locking 1016 pin number 388, 1036 pinout 34 pipelined output 646 PLA 397 place and route 318 PLA 37 PLD 37 PLD programmer 411 PMOS transistor 115 pop transistor 186 port 322 port declaration 322 port map 337 positional number system 49 positive ECL 222 positive logic 108 positive-edge-triggered D flip-flop 632 positive-logic convention 239 postponed-output indicator 639 postulate 239 power-dissipation capacitance 153 power-down input 974 power-supply rail 131 PR 634 precedence 241 precharge voltage 998 predefined types 324 preset 626,634 primary inputs and outputs 490 prime 240 prime implicant 273 prime-imphcant table 289 primitive flow table 720 principle of supeфosition 1057 printed-circuit board 40 printed-wiring board 40 priority 442 priority encoder 442 procedure 333 process 344 process statement 344 product component 519 product term 252,397 product-of-sums expression 252 product-term allocation 1008 product-term allocator 1009 programmable array logic device 37,401 programmable logic array 37, 397 programmable logic device 37 programmable read-only memory 971 programmable switch element 1024 programmable switch matrix 1024 PROM 971 PROM programmer 411,971 propagation delay 151,627 PSE 1024 PSM 1024 pull-up resistor 160 pull-up-resistor calculation 165 pulse input 751 pulse-mode circuit 751 pulse-triggered flip-flop 639 pure 613 push-pull output 192 PWB 40 quiescent power dissipation 153 Quine-McClusky algorithm 283 race 711 radio-frequency emission 1041 radix 50 radix point 50 radix-complement system 60 RAM 983 random-access memory 983 range 307,332 range-type 327 RAS-only refresh cycle 1000 ЙС time constant 148 read cycle 1000 read-modify-write cycle 1002 read-only memory 960 read/write memory 983 realization 261 realize 261 recommended operating conditions 206 recovery time 629 rectangular sets of Is 273 redundant prime implicant 290 reference designator 388, 1036 reflected code 78 reflection 1055 reflection coefficient 1056 refresh cycle 998 reg 731 register 780 register-transfer language 1034 registered carry output 820 registered output 731 relation 309 relational operators 309, 342 reliability 1048 reserved words 321 reset 626 resistive load 131 resolution function 461 result 329 return 330 return-to-zero 99 reverse-biased diode 181 right 828 ring counter 839 ringing 1060 ripple adder 501 ripple counter 805 rise time 145 ROM 960 routing 1041 row address strobe 999 row latch 1000 row-address register 1000 running disparity 99 running process 345 RWM 983 RZ99 S-R latch 626 S-R latch with enable 630 5-set 357 saturated 187 saturation region 187 saturation resistance 187 scan capability 636 scan chain 637 scan method 1047 scan mode 1047 scan-path method 1047 schematic capture 1035 schematic diagram 370 schematic editor 1035 Schmitt-trigger input 156 Schottky diode 190 Schottky transistor 190 Schottky TTL 204 Schottky-clamped transistor 190 SDRAM 1003 secondary essential prime implicant 276 security fuse 413 selected signal-assignment statement 342 self-complementing code 76 self-correcting counter 840 self-correcting Johnson counter 844 self-correcting ring counter 840 self-dual logic function 364 self-timed systems 908 semiconductor diode 113, 180 semicustom 1С 39 sense amplifier 998 sensitivity list 345 sequential circuit 28,110 sequential multiplier 520 sequential signal-assignment statement 345 serial binary adder 865 serial channel 832 serial data 96 serial input 825 serial output 825 serial-access memory 985 serial-in, parallel-out shift register 825 serial-to-parallel conversion 826 series termination 1062 set 307,626 set-reset latch 626 setup time 632 setup-time margin 771 seven-segment decoder 438 seven-segment display 436 shift register 825 shift-and-add multiplication 71 shift-and-add muUiplier 870 shift-and-subtract division 73 shift-register counter 838 sign bit 59 sign extension 62 signal declaration 323 signal flags 384 signal name 1036 signal path 151 signed division 73 signed multiplication 72 signed numbers 68 signed-magnitude adder 59 signed-magnitude subtractor 60 simulation 1038 simulation cycle 353 simulation time 352 simulator 1038 single error 85 single stuck-at fault model 313 single stuck-at fault 1042 single-ended input 218 sinking current 135, 194 slave 633 small-scale integration 34 SMT 40 sneak path 966 software model 1039 source 115 source termination 1062 sourcing current 135, 195 space/time trade-off 833 specification 29 speed-power product 173 S-match 626 S-R latch 626 SRAM 983 SRAM cell 986 SSI 34 SSRAM 992 stablestate 623 stable total state 706 standard cells 39 standard-cell design 39 standby mode 974 state 28 state619 state adjacency diagram 722 state assignment 658 state diagram 647,650 state memory 644 state minimization 658 state name 649 state table 110,650,706 state variable 619 state-machine decomposition 701 state-machine description language 733 state-vector 733 state/output table 647, 650 static power dissipation 153 static RAM 983 static-0 hazard 293 static-1 hazard 293 static-column mode 1003 std logic 325 std logic vector 329 steady-state behavior 292 storage time 190 stray capacitance 146 string 299,328 structural description 337 structural design 338 structural model 1038 structured logic device description 371 stupid mistakes 1041 submachines 701 subtractor 500 subtrahend 60 subtype 325,460 sum term 252 sum-of-products expression 252 surface-mount technology 40 suspended process 345 switching algebra 239 switching characteristics 206 symmetric output drive 170 sync pulse 833 synchronization pulse 833 synchronization signal 97 synchronizer 880 synchronizer failure 883 synchronizing sequence 745 ООО «Мягкий Дом» - это Отечественный производитель мебели. Наша профильная продукция - это диваны еврокнижка. Каждый диван можем изготовить в соответствии с Вашими пожеланияи (размер, ткань и материал). Осуществляем бесплатную доставку и сборку. Звоните! Ежедневно! (926)274-88-54 Продажа и изготовление мебели. Копирование контента сайта запрещено. Авторские права защищаются адвокатской коллегией г. Москвы. |