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dient Density Glasses for Night Driving, Appl. Optics, 9, 2176 (1970).

1074. Land E. Ы. Some Aspects of the Development of Sheet Polarizers, J. Opt. Soc. Am., 41, 957 (1951); also in Polarized Light, published by the Am. Institute of Physics (1963).

1075. Rozenberg G. V. Twilight: A Study in Atmospheric Optics, Plenum Press, New York (1966).

1076. Hallden U. A Simple Device for Observing the Polarization of Light from the Sky, Nature, 182, 333 (1958).

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1078. Ferguson I. F. Photoelastic Patterns without Crossed Polarizer and Analyzer, Am. J. Phys.. 22, 495 (1954).

1079. Rayleigh, Lord, The Blue Sky and the Optical Properties of Air in Ref. 129, Vol. 8, pp. 309-317.

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1082. Wood E. A. Crystals and Light, Van Nostrand, Momentum, New Jersey (1964).

1083. Mason S. F. Optical Activity and Molecular Dissymmetry, Con-temp. Phys., 9, 239 (1968).

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1087. Kalmus H, Orientation of Animals to Polarized Light, Nature, 184, 228 (1959),

1088. Waterman T, Polarized Light and Animal Navigation, Sci, Amer 193, 88 (July 1955); also in Polarized Light published by the Am. Institute of Physics (1963).

1089. Snyder A. W., Pask C. How Bees Navigate, Nature, 239, 48 (1972),

1090, Seliger H, H McElroy W. D, Light: Physical and Biological Action, Academic Press, New York (1965),

1091, Helmholtz Fl, von, Physiological Optics, J, P, C, Southall, ed Dover, New York (1962).

1092, Helmholtz H. von, pp. 304-307 of Ref. 1091; also in Polarized Light, Published by the Am. Institute of Physics (1963).

1093. Shurcliff W. A. Haidingers Brushes and Circularly Polarized Light, J, Opt, Soc, Am., 45, 399 (1955); also in Polarized Light, published by the Am, Institute of Physics (1963),

1094, Summers D, M Friedmann G, B Clements R. M, Physical Model (or Flaidingers Brush, J, Opt. Soc, Am 60, 271 (1970).

1095. Weihs D. Flydromechanics of Fish Schooling, Nature, 241, 290 (1973),

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1106, Volz F. E, Twilight Phenomena Caused by the Eruption of Agung Volcano, Science, 144, 1121 (1964),

I 107, Meinel M, P., Meinel A, B, Late Twilight Glow of the Ash Stratum from the Eruption of Agung Volcano, Science, 142, 582 (1963),

1108. Burdecki F, Meteorological Phenomena after Volcanic Eruptions, Weather, 19, 113 (1964).

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1118. Rayleigh, Lord. Colours of Sea and Sky in Ref. 129. Vol. 7, pp. 93-99.

1119. Middleton W H K. The Color of the Overcast Sky, J. Opt, Soc. Am., 44, 793 (1954),

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1123. Вайскопф В. Как свет взаимодействует с веществом (см. 440).

1124. Hallett J., Lewis R. E.J. Mother-of-Pearl Clouds, Weather, 22, 56 (1967).

1125. Scorer R. S. Mother-of-Pearl Clouds, Weather, 19, 115 (1964).

1 126. Mcintosh D. H. Mother-of-Pearl Cloud over Scotland, Weather, 27, 14 (1972).

1127. Williams G. C. Nacreous Clouds Observed in Southeastern Alaska January 24, 1950, Bui. Am. Met. Soc. 31, 322 (1950).

1128. Sharpe J. M., Jr. Nacreous Clouds at White Sands Missile Range, Bui. Am. Met. Soc, 51, 1148 (1970).

1129. Stormer C. Mother-of-Pearl Clouds, Weather, 3, 13 (1948).

1130. Pohl R. W. Discovery of Interference by Thomas Young, Am. J. Phys., 28, 530 (1960).

1 131. De Witte A. J. Interference in Scattered Light, Am. J. Phys., 35, 301 (1967).

1132. Fergason J. L. Liquid Crystals, Sci. Amer., 211, 76 (Aug. 1964).

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1139. Ghiradella H. D. Aneshansley, Eisner Т., Silberglied R. E., Hinton H. E. Ultraviolet Reflection of a male Butterfly: Interference Color Caused by Thin-Layer Elaboration of Wing Scales, Science, 178, 1214 (1972).

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1144. Roosen R. G. A Photographic Investigation of the Gegenschein and the Earth-Moon Libration Point Ls, Icarus, 9, 429 (1968); also see photo in errata, Icarus, 10, 352 (1969).

1145. Roosen R. G. The Gegenschein and Interplanetary Dust outside the Earths Orbit, Icarus, 13, 184 (1970).

1146. Blackwell D. E. The Zodiacal Light, Sci. Amer., 203, 54 (July 1960).

1147. Hulburt E. O. Optics of Searchlight Illumination, J, Opt. Soc. Am., 36, 483 (1946).

1148. Kirkpatrick P. A Binocular Illusion, Am. J. Phys., 22, 493 (1954).

1 149. van de Hulst H. C. A Theory of the Anti-Coronae, J, Opt. Soc. Am., 37, 16 (1947).

1150. Naik Y. G., Joshi R. M. Anti-Coronas or Brocken Bows, J. Opt. Soc Am., 45, 733 (1955).

1 151. Bryant H. C, Cox A. J. Mie Theory and the Glory, J. Opt, Soc. Am., 56, 1529 (1966).

1 152. Brandt J. C. An Unusual Observation of the Glory, Pub. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 80, 25 (1968).

1153. Saunders M.J. Near-Field Backscattering Measurements from a Microscopic Water Droplet, J. Opt. Soc. Am., 60, 1359 (1970).

1154. Kang P., Mason E. A., Munn R. J. Glorified Shadows in Molecular Scattering: Some Optical Analogies, Am. J. Phys., 38, 294 (1970).

1155. Fahlen T. S., Bryant H. C. Direct Observation of Surface Waves on Water Droplets, J. Opt. Soc. Am., 56, 1635 (1966).

1 156. Fahlen T. S., Bryant H. C. Optical Back Scattering from Single Water Droplets, J. Opt. Soc. Am., 58, 304 (1968).

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1160. Paul W., Jones R. V. Blue Sun and Moon, Nature, 168, 554 (1951).

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1163. Horvath H. On the Brown Colour of Atmospheric Haze, Atmos. Environment, 5, 333 (1971); see also 6, 143 (1972).

1164. Charlson R.J. Ahlquist N. С Brown Haze: NO2 or Aerosol? .Atmos. Environment, 3, 653 (1969)

1165. Fish B. R. Electrical Genera tion of Natural Aerosols from Vegeta tion, Science, 175, 1239 (1972).

1166. Went F. W. Blue Hazes in the Atmosphere, Nature, 187, 641 (1960).

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1171. Hulls M. E., Burgess R, D., Mitchell D.A., Warn D. W. Visual, Photographic and Photoelectric Detection of Shadow Bands at the March 7, 1970, Solar Eclipse, Nature, 231, 255 (1971).

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1173. Burgess R. D., Hults M. E. A Shadow-Band Experiment, Sky Telescope, 38, 95 (Aug. 1969).

1174. Young A. T. Sky Telescope, 38, 309 (Nov. 1969).

1175. Paulton E. М. Recording Sliadow Bands at the March Eclipse, Sky Telescope, 39, 132 (Feb. 1970).

1176. Hulls M. Sky Telescope, 33, 147 (Mar. 1967).

1177. Paulton E. M. Eclipse Shadow Band Motion - An illusion? . Sky Telescope, 25, 328 (June 1963).

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1 182. Ives R. L. Sunset Shadow Bands, J. Opt. Soc. Am., 35, 736 (1945).

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